
Reason to party/celebration

To celebrate the start of this blog i propose the following idea:
A website that helps you find a reason for celebration! We all now that its to looong time between birthdays and other days of celebration (quite often one year!). This calls for drastic measures and the realization that year is not the only important measure of time. To be more specific; when you are around 27 you should not miss to celebrate 10000 days! Likewise 11000 should be considered as a great achievement, at least on par with making say 31. Then we enter the area of cool numbers, like 10101 and 11111 days..., but hey there are more measures, months, weeks, minutes, seconds, moon rotations and so on... Cool numbers to celebrate might be prime numbers and even numbers in binary code and so on...

The website provides fields where you can enter a number of important dates and a time frame for when you need your reason for celebration... voila! You get a number of reasons for celebration.

Customer base: 3 (many would like this, but low willingness to pay, internet is free...)
Implementation: 5 (easy to implement)
Potential: 15

Please post link in the comments;-)

1 comment:

  1. Matlab code for next prime birth(day):

    %When is my next day to celebrate?
    %i.e. {My age in number of days} == {A prime number}

    clear all

    %My date of birth
    date_of_birth = '16-May-1975';
    %date_of_birth = '06-Mar-1980';

    %Number of days today since year 0
    today = datenum(date);

    %Birth date in number of days
    birth = datenum(date_of_birth);

    %Age today, in number of days
    age = today - birth;

    %All prime days up to 150 years old (bit optimistic..)
    all_primes = primes(365*150);

    %Search for next prime birthday!
    col_index = find(all_primes >= age);
    next_day = all_primes(col_index(1));

    %Which date is that?
    fprintf(1,'\nYour next prime-birth(day) is:\n');
